Friday, October 18, 2013

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Epi...

Yes this is totally inexcusable indeed. I believe this is why it's important to stay informed by alternative journalism/alternative news via online so we can take action by creating, pulling together our own resources and shaping councils within our own communities, cities and states outside of Federal Government & Corporate sponsorship, that will determine what "We The People" want for our families futures, lives and communities! 
There are so many examples of sustainable communities in countries all over the world, even in the United States of America! However you will not see it reported in Mainstream News or Governmental Publications!

Here's an example of promoting sustainable community living in Northern California (Sonoma Mountain Village). Checkout "One Planet Communities" at (

You can read the article in the Sonoma Mountain Village Press on how Brad Baker set out to build a sustainable community in Northern California. (

Here are ideas and solutions for restoring the Earth to make our world a better place for all mankind at 

 Well I'm been quite the busy little bee writing my blog columns 📝
and sharing with friends about how to create "Sustainable Communities" outside of Federal Government & Corporate Sponsorship! I've linked up with great organizations like "Fix The World Project", "Ubuntu" and "One Planet Communities" that share the same vision and we've connected with this amazing global community network of people 👪
 pulling their resources together, agriculture, new financial (, educational, creative new technology (, etc., to create change and sustainable communities on a global front! It really is incredible....a 💎
 diamond in the ruff I suppose! 😇

The Daily Multinational Corporation Bullsh** Continues...

Take a good look at this Bullsh** by Chase Bank limiting customers on cash withdrawals and Business Customers on sending money via International/Domestic wire transfer as of Nov. 17, 2013! Ain't that something else, these bastards are simply ridiculous. They continue with their agenda time and time again! "GAME ON…!"

Well Alex Jones is right about one thing, it's pass time to put boots to ass and keep constant pressure on these ASSHO***, until they wilt or disappear!

Here's more news….In Russia, 30 Greenpeace staff from Brazil hung a banner on a Russian oil rig to protest dangerous deepwater drilling and now the Russian political trade has placed some of the Greenpeace staff in solitary confinement and they are facing fifteen years in prison on trumped up charges of piracy! Ain't that some Bullsh** or what!
Well to show my support, I signed the petition to help have them released and send a message that we won't stand by idly while these multinational corporations continue to destroy our land, sea, air and abundance of natural resources that belong to the people of this planet!

United We Stand, One People, One Planet….


Saturday, October 12, 2013

"We The People Speak Out Loud & Take Action Over Government Corruption In Our Country!"

"We The People Speak Out Loud & Take Action Over Government Corruption In Our Country!"

On Oct. 11-13, 1.000,000 and counting Big Rigs Rollin' into D.C., to stop Government Corruption and demand the arrest of Congressional Legislative Lawmakers who have trampled over United States Citizen's Constitutional Rights, kept American's enslaved and withheld precious technologies that would benefit people and relieve much of the suffering of humanity!

'Truckers for the Constitution' Plan to Slow D.C. Beltway and Arrest Congressmen!

Truckers Ride For The Constitution
Please share this!!! If you want to be a part of this event with any wheels you have to go on .... Please send your emails to .... Get registered .... and you will receive all the information you need to participate in this event!!!
Donate Truck Fuel Website
Folks, if you are going thru DC this weekend, put #T2SDA on your vehicle and they will know you're a supporter and will let you thru.
10-17 Urgent Business - FB SHUT DOWN TRUCKERS SITE!!!
*Original publish date Sept 23, 2013*
Truckers Constitution Rally Information
Are Truckers Really Going to 'Shut Down' Washington, D.C. This Weekend?

The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!

Visit to receive constant updates and tune in to our daily radio show updates. The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a national protest in support of our nation's truckers on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers! Truckers will lead the path to saving our country if every American rides with them!

"Truckers Ride For The Constitution"
OCTOBER 11-13, 2013
Truckers Ride For The Constitution
Patriot 'Truckers' group to hold convoy

BIG BANKERS MAY EXPERIENCE A 10-100 (Need to go to Bathroom) if this is successful! IMAGINE 1,000,000 BIG RIGS ROLLIN' INTO D.C. (that's one million 18 wheelers) NOW IMAGINE .... 1,000,000 BIG RIGS IN D.C. and 1,000,000 CITIZENS on STRIKE with the BIG RIGS!!!! That is just MIND BLOWING!!! When the TRUCKS go on STRIKE October 11-13, 2013 they have opened the door for all American people to join in on the STRIKE! No need to go to the streets and face the wrath of police OUT OF CONTROL... SUPPORT THE TRUCKERS. NO LOUDER VOICE of OBJECTION CAN WE MAKE!!! How you can help: DON'T GO TO WORK!!!! Take a three day PARK ... That's right, JUST PARK... REFUSE TO BE THE SLAVE ANY LONGER... DO NOT SHOP, DRIVE, WORK or PLAY.... JUST PARK and watch the show!!! When the TRUCKERS REFUSE to haul freight, that means they haul NOTHING..... Including toilet paper.... OBAMA ARE YOU LISTENING... I DO HOPE YOU HAVE A STOCK of it BECAUSE WHEN YOU SEE THE TRUCKS ROLL IN and you REALIZE THAT WE THE PEOPLE are STRIKING WITH THE TRUCKERS.... Well ..... Let's just say you'll need that paper!!