U.S. Military’s “Space Aggressor Squadron” - Soft or Hard Disclosure?
Source: Truth Earth | by Jonathan Carty The first one is an article from Futurism.com about the United States' space squadron that is ...
6/07/2017 04:24:00 AM Aliens, Cabal, extraterrestrial, Secret News, Secret Space Program, Space News, UFO Sightings, US Military
Source: Truth Earth | by Jonathan Carty
The first one is an article from Futurism.com about the United States' space squadron that is prepared to go to battle to defend US interests in space. Of course there will be no invasion of ETs as this has already happened several times in our history and the Cabal would like to do a false one in order to remain in power, which they won't be able to do.
(Futurism) "Right now, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of the American West, there are two teams of Air Force specialists preparing to defend America's interests — in space.
They are the 26th Space Aggressor Squadron (26th SAS) and the 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527th SAS), and their job consists of training the rest of the military for any possible contingency involving extraterrestrial combat and creating strategies to defend the security of any U.S. interests in space.
In other words, they play the role of the bad guys on a potentially intergalactic scale, "attacking" and provoking U.S. troops in mock space battles — as foreign countries and any other hostile power looking to threaten America in space."
The DailyMail features some footage that was allegedly taken from that day that shows the body of one of the crash victims. I couldn't embed the video from the article but I did find it on YouTube. Apparently this footage was leaked to a magazine company in New Zealand:
"His most shocking claim was to have been taken inside Area 51 to see a variety of UFOs allegedly recovered by the US military.
These were said to include a flying saucer said to have crash landed at Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947."
It appears the majority believe this story, out of 32,000 voters as of the time of the below survey, most said yes:
The next story is more personal as it has the testimony of the former Governor of Arizona. And I actually work with someone who saw the Phoenix Lights happen in March of 1997. She said it was huge, slow and completely silent..
"Never before seen footage of Fife Symington, 71, who was governor of Arizona from 1990 to 1998, reveals he was a witness to one of the world's biggest ever mass UFO sightings, and he believes it was extraterrestrial."
And again the majority have it:
This is all I wanted to share for now..thank you everyone and victory of the light!
Repost by
Glen - a.k.a. (Roadblock154)
Blog Page: http://roadblock154.blogspot.com