Monday, September 23, 2013

FEMA Orders Volunteers of Colorado Flood to go home or be arrested! we go, FEMA strikes again! Does anyone else notice the correlation with these disasters and FEMA's boots on the ground response efforts to totally control the situation and rigid efforts of first response volunteers whom many have helped to save the lives of those who were injured, trapped or life threatening situations when FEMA's lack luster response time and unwillingness to work with local rescue volunteers to assess the damages could help save countless incident lives and property!
Especially when you have a company like Falcon that has technical aerial UAV resources to map out a grid and provide value Intell within minutes and had offered to share data with FEMA to help save local residence lives who were at high risk and also allow governmental agencies to better use their resources to aide those in more life threatening situations! Reasonable logic would tell you that this makes absolute sense...

So how does FEMA assessment management team explain and warrant threats to arrest first response local volunteers who simply are assisting their fellow neighbors in a life threatening crisis?

Now I begin to wonder if because of FEMA's actions and unwillingness to work with local volunteers and the company Falcon UAV, if this entire disaster was Geo-Engineered by our U.S. Government and for what purpose?

My question is what exactly lies below the surface in this region of Colorado? And why didn't FEMA have Boulder EOC not allow Falcon UAV to map the grid in this region and furthermore threaten to arrest members of that company if they proceeded with mapping damage assessment? What's below the surface in this region that the U.S. Government/ DoD doesn't want uncovered or found out by the general public? Perhaps more Black Opts Projects that taxpayers are funding and not aware! Well in any case the jury is still out..."And We'll Be Watching!"

Kind regards,


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