Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hello My Friends & Family...

It's past time to take back our Freedoms & Liberties that we've been denied as human beings, if you're awake and have truly studied the history of mankind and what's happen in your own countries, your existence surrounding our planets natural resources and why certain Monarch's have maintained a systematic means of control through enslaving and manipulating people through false belief systems , then you should realize we've been at war with these certain fractions for quite sometime. Particularly the Centralization of these Monarch's to rule this 3D reality and continue to amass earth's natural resources for their own personal pleasures and wealth gain, while 90 to 95% of earth's humanity are used (enslaved) to mine its earth's conscience blood line right out from beneath them with no true understanding of whom they really are....and that's SPIRITUAL CONSCIENCE BEINGS!

No longer can we allow these corrupted Monarch's and Alien Entities to control our peaceful nature of existence by starving, demise, an alienation of our natural resources and each other! "Stand-up, Speak-out against a tyrannical corporate government whom are controlled by its Monarch and will not listen to its people, then have the courage of our Fore-father's of old to take up Arms and fight for our sovereign rights under Constitutional Republic (Common Law).....Of Rights Natural and Constitutional! 


Glen - a.k.a. (Roadblock154)
Blog Page: http://roadblock154.blogspot.com
URL: www.blogger.com

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