Viewing compelling discussions about the dangers of multinational corporations secret cover-ups!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Solar Flash - Ascension or Full Circumference Mass Coronal Ejection "Kil...
To my family and friends, this is simply one of the best transitional information videos to support those of us whom are awaken in a post-disclosure society to help those whom are awakening and learning about Full-Disclosure as it relates to our transitional process of Ascension and connection to our Galactic Family!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Cabal Fractions Still Illegally Poisoning Our Atmosphere..."STOP IT!"
Cabal Fractions Still Illegally Poisoning Our Atmosphere..."STOP IT!"
We see our skies polluted daily by these unmarked jet aircraft spraying these toxic chemicals over the entire population of our planet and they continue to ignore our warning!!!
Based on H.R. 2977 (107th): Space Preservation Act of 2001, because here in this House Resolution Act which is now a (BILL) under SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS (Link highlighted in blue print below...) it's specifically forbidden to use exotic weapons to expel chemicals or biological agents such as "CHEMTRAILS" in the vicinity of a person or biological life!
Noted: These Cabal Fractions continue to illegally poison our atmosphere against our "SOVEREIGN WILL", so it is dually noted we know the truth! And their days are numbered...
Glen - a.k.a. (Roadblock154)
Blog Page:
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Alien Abductee - What I Have To Say Will Surprise You [FULL VIDEO]
Knowing the truth of being one with our "CREATOR"...knowing we are multi-dimensional beings! Monitor your thoughts, keep them high in vibratory state...each soul has its own journey!
Glen - a.k.a. (Roadblock154)
Blog Page:
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
U.S. Military's "Space Aggressor Squadron" - Soft or Hard Disclosure?
U.S. Military’s “Space Aggressor Squadron” - Soft or Hard Disclosure?
Source: Truth Earth | by Jonathan Carty The first one is an article from about the United States' space squadron that is ...
6/07/2017 04:24:00 AM Aliens, Cabal, extraterrestrial, Secret News, Secret Space Program, Space News, UFO Sightings, US Military
Source: Truth Earth | by Jonathan Carty
The first one is an article from about the United States' space squadron that is prepared to go to battle to defend US interests in space. Of course there will be no invasion of ETs as this has already happened several times in our history and the Cabal would like to do a false one in order to remain in power, which they won't be able to do.
(Futurism) "Right now, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of the American West, there are two teams of Air Force specialists preparing to defend America's interests — in space.
They are the 26th Space Aggressor Squadron (26th SAS) and the 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527th SAS), and their job consists of training the rest of the military for any possible contingency involving extraterrestrial combat and creating strategies to defend the security of any U.S. interests in space.
In other words, they play the role of the bad guys on a potentially intergalactic scale, "attacking" and provoking U.S. troops in mock space battles — as foreign countries and any other hostile power looking to threaten America in space."
The DailyMail features some footage that was allegedly taken from that day that shows the body of one of the crash victims. I couldn't embed the video from the article but I did find it on YouTube. Apparently this footage was leaked to a magazine company in New Zealand:
"His most shocking claim was to have been taken inside Area 51 to see a variety of UFOs allegedly recovered by the US military.
These were said to include a flying saucer said to have crash landed at Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947."
It appears the majority believe this story, out of 32,000 voters as of the time of the below survey, most said yes:
The next story is more personal as it has the testimony of the former Governor of Arizona. And I actually work with someone who saw the Phoenix Lights happen in March of 1997. She said it was huge, slow and completely silent..
"Never before seen footage of Fife Symington, 71, who was governor of Arizona from 1990 to 1998, reveals he was a witness to one of the world's biggest ever mass UFO sightings, and he believes it was extraterrestrial."
And again the majority have it:
This is all I wanted to share for now..thank you everyone and victory of the light!
Repost by
Glen - a.k.a. (Roadblock154)
Blog Page:
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Your Strawman - Enslaved by Your Birth Certificate.
I'm sending you this video so you have a conscious and consistent knowledge of how our Souls & Physical Beings were being trapped through contract of law by the Vatican/Pope! It's what's known as Registering & Monetizing the Soul or Spirit & Soul of a living being without your expressed knowledge or expressed consent! (Basically means…Turning you into a valuable asset or Certificate under a corporation - being a share of something!) We were made an “Extract or Tax”…according to Black’s Law Dictionary definition and given a “Cuss-up Number” for/an as securities (as identified by a letter in front of a series of numbers on your Government ID’s) as collateral for your countries national debt since 1933!
Central Banker’s came in an devised this plan to use and pledge people as “Slaves/ Collateral/ Chatel” to continue to conduct commerce, even though the country was broke!
So when you’re using a Government Identification such as a…Driver’s License, Health Card, etc., you are identifying yourself as a corporation an existing within the jurisdiction of corporate law! Remember the only way out is non-compliance… don’t participate!
The Importance of Motu Propria (means “Of his own accord”…) by Pope Francis!
According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Propria in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope personally in his capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church. To put it more bluntly, a Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic. If you are a member of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.
In the case of the Motu Propria issued by Pope Francis on July 11th 2013, it is an instrument of several functions and layers.
In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.
In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.
Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continue, to be proven time and time again, to be criminally insane, bark raving mad and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, any body who cares for the law.
The age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century and that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holly Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century and the world at large by the 16th Century ceased to exist around March 14th 2013 upon the election of Pope Francis.
This document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Chemtrail Spraying Continues on Human Population...
Here's an interesting fact I'm pretty sure most of Earth's population was not aware of until recently!
There is indeed a legal framework in place to legally do all sorts of horrific things to people. But in order to understand this, one needs to research legal policy, language, and law- especially contracts or Equity law!
In summary, the people of the world, including citizens of the USA, Inc. are considered enemies of the State. This was legally defined through a tapestry of policies, such as the Act of 1871, the War Powers Act of 1913, and the amendments made in 1933, the Trading with the Enemy act, and-as Kent stated, Public Law 105-85. There is a link provided to that document and another post that strongly encourages everyone to become very familiar with. Ignorance or dismissal of these policies WILL NOT protect us. We need to gain key knowledge and understanding and then act as a group of free thinking sovereigns to rebut each of these fallacious legal presumptions defined in the tapestry of statutory codes with the USA and any other incorporated body on the planet.
These "Laws" are effective because "We The People", do not exercise our sovereign powers to rebut them. In law, the most coherent and organized organization, acting with honor and precision, rules the day-which we can become if we do our homework and face reality.
Even though there was a repeal (H.R. 2977) to experimenting on Human Life's with Toxic Chemicals, notably "Chemtrails" without our consent! The unmarked aircraft whom have been identified, continue to trail our skies with these deadly toxics, targeting human-animal-plant life through our water and food supplies, killings hundreds and thousands of plant life, animals & rare species, while poisoning our oxygen in the air on land and our oceans, sea, fresh water lakes, rivers, streams, etc.
Kent Dunn Intel Update & Action Requested To Stop Chemtrails
Read here for more info...
December 21, 2016
Kent Dunn today gives an intelligence report that chemtrail operations are taking place over Lincoln, Nebraska and North Carolina. Kent specifically fingers that chemtrail operations are being conducted by the Air National Guard in Lincoln Nebraska. Kent urges everyone to call the number 402-309-1110, which is the contact information for the Air National Guard in Lincoln Nebraska. Kent Dunn requests that you voice your concern about chemtrails and that you do not consent to their continued spraying of toxic substances.
Doing a more in depth search about the Air National Guard brings up the following information.
Air National Guard Lincoln Info - Source Link
Air National Guard from Lincoln, Nebraska is categorized as International Affairs and National Security, the company specializes in National Security. For more information about Air National Guard's offer, please visit our office on 2420 W Butler Ave in Lincoln, NE, or just call: 4023091110.
Company info
Address: 2420 W Butler Ave, Lincoln, NE 68524
State: Nebraska (NE), Lancaster County Category: International Affairs and National Security
National Security
Contact info
Contact: Colonel Adams - Manager Phone: 4023091110
Nebraska Air National Guard does have its own website address here
Kent Dunn continues to report about the law used to allow the continued spraying of chemtrails. The law is referred to as law 105-85 November 18th 1997 which allows the military to legally spray USA citizens with toxins without our consent. The full law can be read at the following link....
Here is another video in which Kent Dunn informs the public of the chemtrail law 105-85.
For people who still do not know about geoengineering or chemtrails, it is recommended to watch the documentary called "What in the World Are They Spraying?" . I have embedded the documentary below for your convenience. This documentary is backed by science, eye witnesses, and investigative journalism.
It is a sad state of affairs when we are still dealing with people who do not care about humanity and continue to spray the skies of the world with toxic substances. I personally see chemtrail operations on a continued basis and it still amazes me that these military pilots continue to support these destructive programs. These are crimes against humanity and if Kent Dunn's intel is true, this is a good starting point for humanity to protest.
Again, the phone number provided by Kent Dunn is 402-309-1110, so we can peacefully protest and let our voices be heard. They are now on notice that the public is aware of their hidden agenda.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Glyphosate killing billions, another Monsanto, FDA & EPA cover-up...
I urge true journalist to report this Urgent Alert Report story to the masses and help save lives...If indeed true journalism has ethical responsibility to hold those accountable for injustice, then I ask if you have an ounce of humanity for your children's sate and the future of humanity to stop this cancerous driven weed killer glyphosate which are found in so many of our everyday food sources that billions of people are unaware of, and literally destroying countless lives! (As reported in
From Food Babe:
I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working.
Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food.
This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply.
Just to give you an idea of how outrageous these amounts are, independent research shows that probable harm to human health begins at really low levels of exposure – at only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate. Many foods were found to have over 1,000 times this amount! Well above what regulators throughout the world consider “safe”.
{See the test results and full report by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project}.
Even if you don’t personally eat the specific brands that were tested (I don’t), how many people are eating Cheerios and Ritz Crackers every day? A lot!
The EPA continues to pander to Monsanto, as they keep postponing and dragging their feet to evaluate glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. The industry is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the EPA “evaluation” will be in their favor and is trying to control who will be on the panel. Why won’t the EPA do their job to make sure that the world’s most widely used herbicide isn’t causing us all to get cancer? Don’t you think this should be a top priority? It’s time for the EPA to put the public health above the corrupt desires of corporations.
When it comes to the FDA, they are not protecting the American public from glyphosate either. After announcing in February that they would FINALLY begin testing foods for glyphosate residues, they just decided to suspend their testing this week. Could it be that Monsanto didn’t like the results they started getting – especially since the FDA found glyphosate in foods that should be especially safe like BABY FOOD? Monsanto will do whatever it takes to keep that story out of the public eye.
The people of this country must be informed and this should be our top priority. Go, Food Babe Army, Go!
Monsanto Is SCRAMBLING To Bury This Breaking Story…
Well, THIS is Disturbing:From Food Babe:
I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working.
Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food.
This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply.
Share this shocking new report with everyone you know….
A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts.Just to give you an idea of how outrageous these amounts are, independent research shows that probable harm to human health begins at really low levels of exposure – at only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate. Many foods were found to have over 1,000 times this amount! Well above what regulators throughout the world consider “safe”.
Here is why we all should be concerned about eating glyphosate:
- Independent research links glyphosate to cancer (sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and it has been deemed a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s team of international cancer experts. The childhood cancer rate is steadily rising and experts say that they don’t know why. Why are they not taking a closer look at these facts?
- Research also indicates that glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, which disrupts hormones and leads to reproductive problems, early onset puberty, obesity, diabetes, and some cancers. When it comes to endocrine disruptors, very small exposures are the most damaging, so “the dose makes the poison” mantra does not apply!
- Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic killing the good bacteria in your gut. Poor gut health is linked to inflammation and a whole host of diseases. As GMOs laced with glyphosate are commonly fed to farm animals, this could very well be contributing to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- It binds with vital nutrients in the soil (like iron, calcium, manganese, zinc) and prevents plants for taking them up. Glyphosate is thereby making food less nutritious!
Why is this weed killer in these foods? Even non-GMO and organic food!
This chemical has gone so mainstream that glyphosate has infiltrated every facet of our environment – our water, air, soil.- Many GMOs were invented to be resistant to glyphosate – and since GMOs have been introduced the use of glyphosate has gone through the roof! It is now the world’s most widely used herbicide.
- Glyphosate is not just used on GMOs. Conventional (non-organic farmers) use Roundup as a drying agent on crops, such as oats and wheat. It can’t be simply washed off, as it is taken up into the plant itself.
- As the active ingredient in popular “Roundup” herbicide, millions of people are using this stuff around their homes, and it’s widely used at parks and other public spaces.
Even if you don’t personally eat the specific brands that were tested (I don’t), how many people are eating Cheerios and Ritz Crackers every day? A lot!
How many of your friends and family have their cabinets filled with these foods? These people need to know this information.
There are still thousands of other brands and whole foods that have not been tested for glyphosate residues, so we can’t be so sure that our own organic, non-GMO, and unprocessed food is safe. Americans are effectively being forced to eat this poison until something is done to stop the rampant use of this chemical. Yes, I said poison.Monsanto doesn’t want the public to know these findings for obvious reasons. They have our regulatory agencies in their back pocket to make sure they can continue to make a hefty profit while poisoning the masses.
While there are now several manufacturers of glyphosate herbicides, Monsanto completely dominates the market and this is a best seller. They are raking in BILLIONS every year and certainly don’t want that to stop. They are clearly, without a doubt, using their prosperity to influence our government regulators. Why else would those entrusted to protect the public from harmful chemicals turn a blind eye to this?Our public agencies are allowing corporations to poison Americans for profit.
In 2013, the EPA massively increased the industry standard of what is considered a “safe” level of glyphosate on our food, in order to make enormous amounts seem A-OK. Instead of properly regulating, they effectively raised the “safe” level so that no one can blame the industry for poisoning us with unlawful amounts of chemicals. This is corruption at its finest. The EPA has a long and sordid history of doing whatever Monsanto wants and you have to ask yourself why this continues to happen and how we can make it stop.The EPA continues to pander to Monsanto, as they keep postponing and dragging their feet to evaluate glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. The industry is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the EPA “evaluation” will be in their favor and is trying to control who will be on the panel. Why won’t the EPA do their job to make sure that the world’s most widely used herbicide isn’t causing us all to get cancer? Don’t you think this should be a top priority? It’s time for the EPA to put the public health above the corrupt desires of corporations.
When it comes to the FDA, they are not protecting the American public from glyphosate either. After announcing in February that they would FINALLY begin testing foods for glyphosate residues, they just decided to suspend their testing this week. Could it be that Monsanto didn’t like the results they started getting – especially since the FDA found glyphosate in foods that should be especially safe like BABY FOOD? Monsanto will do whatever it takes to keep that story out of the public eye.
Doesn’t the public deserve to know this information? It should be shouted from the rooftops!
It is shameful that the American media has thus far failed to cover this breaking news, but WE HAVE THE POWER to make this information go viral. If you really want to stop the corruption perpetuated by Monsanto and the large chemical companies – this is how we shut them down!CALL TO ACTION: Share this post with everyone you know. Tweet, share, and email this information to major media outlets and ask them to cover this story.
Remember the best way to avoid glyphosate is by choosing certified organic foods because it is prohibited on organic crops. Although contamination is a real threat, the levels on organic foods are minimal compared to what’s been found on conventional foods. It’s been shown that people who eat organic foods have less glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides in their system.The people of this country must be informed and this should be our top priority. Go, Food Babe Army, Go!
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