Here's an interesting fact I'm pretty sure most of Earth's population was not aware of until recently!
There is indeed a legal framework in place to legally do all sorts of horrific things to people. But in order to understand this, one needs to research legal policy, language, and law- especially contracts or Equity law!
In summary, the people of the world, including citizens of the USA, Inc. are considered enemies of the State. This was legally defined through a tapestry of policies, such as the Act of 1871, the War Powers Act of 1913, and the amendments made in 1933, the Trading with the Enemy act, and-as Kent stated, Public Law 105-85. There is a link provided to that document and another post that strongly encourages everyone to become very familiar with. Ignorance or dismissal of these policies WILL NOT protect us. We need to gain key knowledge and understanding and then act as a group of free thinking sovereigns to rebut each of these fallacious legal presumptions defined in the tapestry of statutory codes with the USA and any other incorporated body on the planet.
These "Laws" are effective because "We The People", do not exercise our sovereign powers to rebut them. In law, the most coherent and organized organization, acting with honor and precision, rules the day-which we can become if we do our homework and face reality.
Even though there was a repeal (H.R. 2977) to experimenting on Human Life's with Toxic Chemicals, notably "Chemtrails" without our consent! The unmarked aircraft whom have been identified, continue to trail our skies with these deadly toxics, targeting human-animal-plant life through our water and food supplies, killings hundreds and thousands of plant life, animals & rare species, while poisoning our oxygen in the air on land and our oceans, sea, fresh water lakes, rivers, streams, etc.
Kent Dunn Intel Update & Action Requested To Stop Chemtrails
Read here for more info...
December 21, 2016
Kent Dunn today gives an intelligence report that chemtrail operations are taking place over Lincoln, Nebraska and North Carolina. Kent specifically fingers that chemtrail operations are being conducted by the Air National Guard in Lincoln Nebraska. Kent urges everyone to call the number 402-309-1110, which is the contact information for the Air National Guard in Lincoln Nebraska. Kent Dunn requests that you voice your concern about chemtrails and that you do not consent to their continued spraying of toxic substances.
Doing a more in depth search about the Air National Guard brings up the following information.
Air National Guard Lincoln Info - Source Link
Air National Guard from Lincoln, Nebraska is categorized as International Affairs and National Security, the company specializes in National Security. For more information about Air National Guard's offer, please visit our office on 2420 W Butler Ave in Lincoln, NE, or just call: 4023091110.
Company info
Address: 2420 W Butler Ave, Lincoln, NE 68524
State: Nebraska (NE), Lancaster County Category: International Affairs and National Security
National Security
Contact info
Contact: Colonel Adams - Manager Phone: 4023091110
Nebraska Air National Guard does have its own website address here
Kent Dunn continues to report about the law used to allow the continued spraying of chemtrails. The law is referred to as law 105-85 November 18th 1997 which allows the military to legally spray USA citizens with toxins without our consent. The full law can be read at the following link....
Here is another video in which Kent Dunn informs the public of the chemtrail law 105-85.
For people who still do not know about geoengineering or chemtrails, it is recommended to watch the documentary called "What in the World Are They Spraying?" . I have embedded the documentary below for your convenience. This documentary is backed by science, eye witnesses, and investigative journalism.
It is a sad state of affairs when we are still dealing with people who do not care about humanity and continue to spray the skies of the world with toxic substances. I personally see chemtrail operations on a continued basis and it still amazes me that these military pilots continue to support these destructive programs. These are crimes against humanity and if Kent Dunn's intel is true, this is a good starting point for humanity to protest.
Again, the phone number provided by Kent Dunn is 402-309-1110, so we can peacefully protest and let our voices be heard. They are now on notice that the public is aware of their hidden agenda.
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